With the project Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Preview, San Keller (born in Berne, 1971) is making even the planning phase of his exhibition public. In doing so, he is undermining the boundaries of conventional formats and rendering institutional processes transparent. Visitors are directly incorporated in the process of development of his exhibition. He not only makes preparatory conversations between artist and curator Rein Wolfs in the conference room accessible to the public. Additionally, after they leave the Fridericianum, San Keller invites visitors to take a stroll, which he calls Digestiv (Walk), with him around the forecourt of the Fridericianum to discuss the current exhibitions.
With Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Preview San Keller is entering the second phase of public preparation for his exhibition project. After exchanging initial ideas and discussing basic approaches with artistic director Rein Wolfs on 11 December 2009, the Swiss artist will resume public conversations with Wolfs. Embedded in the context of the symposium Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? the project by the performance artist substantiates in exemplary fashion a kind of artistic practice that critically undermines conventional formats. In addition, San Keller is once again inviting visitors to take the Digestiv (Walk) around Friedrichsplatz.
Fri 11 December 2009
Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Preview
San Keller and Rein Wolfs
Sat 12 and Sun 13 December 2009
Digestiv (Walk) San Keller
Friedrichsplatz, Kassel
Fri 26 March 2010
Pre-, Pre-, Pre-, Preview
San Keller and Rein Wolfs
Sat 27 and Sun 28 March 2010
Digestiv (Walk) San Keller
Friedrichsplatz, Kassel
Fri 17 September 2010
Pre-, Pre-, Preview
San Keller and Rein Wolfs
Sat 18 and Sun 19 September 2010
Digestiv (Walk) San Keller
Friedrichsplatz, Kassel
Fri 21 January 2011
Pre-, Preview
San Keller and Rein Wolfs
Sat 22 and Sun 23 January 2011
Digestiv (Walk) San Keller
Friedrichsplatz, Kassel
Fri 1 April 2011
San Keller and Rein Wolfs
Sat 2 and Sun 3 April 2011
Digestiv (Walk) San Keller
Friedrichsplatz, Kassel