Kunsthalle Fridericianum and Postgraduate Program in Curating, ICS, DKV, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, are hosting the symposium Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? on Friday, 26 and Saturday, 27 March, 2010.
under symposium(at)fridericianum-kassel.de until 17 March 2010
for drinks and snacks incl admission to Kunsthalle Fridericianum:
1 day: 15 Euro, students 10 Euro
2 days: 25 Euro, students 15 Euro
free of charge with annual ticket
documenta-Halle, Du-Ry-Straße, 34117 Kassel
For all participants special offers are available at the following hotels:
Hotel Chassalla
Hotel Hessenland
Hotel am Rathaus
Youth Hostel
Jugendherberge Kassel
Sleep Inn