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Yael Eylat Van-Essen

Critical Curating

“Critical Curating” was the leading concept in the planning process for  the New City Museum of Tel-Aviv - an institution that attends to contemporary urban issues. In my presentation I will discuss the conceptual programme that was developed, emphasising a leading model that offers the possibility of planning an institutional museum that follows the paradigm of “museum as a self-reflective medium”. This model focuses on the critical and interpretative role of the museum, while reassessing issues such as curatorial responsibility, museum authority and ways for audience involvement. As a result, the conceptual design of the museum challenges traditional dichotomies, offering to blur the clear distinction between Art and Historic museums.

Yael Eylat Van-Essen works as a researcher and a lecturer of Digital Culture, Digital Art Theory and Museology, Head of the Art and New-Media Department and Academic Director of the Curatorial Studies Program (CSP) at the School of Arts and Technology in Tel-Aviv (2008-2010); was a member of the curatorial team and a media curator for the Museum of the City of Tel-Aviv (2006-2008); editor of the first anthology published in Hebrew on digital culture; currently, on the last stages of completing her PhD thesis at the Tel-Aviv University on the conceptual influence of new technologies on the museum.

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