Isin Onol
Panel 2, Educational Critique: How to Swot Curating
Isin Onol invites to talk about curatorial study programmes
Participants: Lisa Boström, Hyunjoo Byeon, Ovul Durmusoglu, Natalie Hope O'Donnell, Alhena Katsof, Andrea Roca, Alessandra Sandrolini, Adnan Yildiz. Moderators: Isin Onol, Maja Ciric
This panel aims to create a discussion about the globally evolving and newly developing education system of the curatorial studies from the viewpoints of the participants. It suggests to open up a space for the new generation of curators to examine the challenges of the newly built and experimental curatorial study programs.
Isin Onol is an independent curator and art critic. She worked as the Manager and Curator of Proje4L/Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul from 2006 to 2009. She curated/co-curated the following shows: Seriously Ironic: Positions in Turkish Contemporary Art Scene (2009), co-curated with Dolores Denaro, Centre Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland; Getting Even (2009), Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey; Privacy (2008), co-curated with Elena Forin, La Giarina Arte Contemporanea, Verona, Italy; Accumulated: Put Aside, Left Aside (2008), co-curated with Asli Cetinkaya, 5533, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her MFA in 2003 at Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Panel 2, Educational Critique: How to Swot Curating
Isin Onol invites to talk about curatorial study programmes
Participants: Lisa Boström, Hyunjoo Byeon, Ovul Durmusoglu, Natalie Hope O'Donnell, Alhena Katsof, Andrea Roca, Alessandra Sandrolini, Adnan Yildiz. Moderators: Isin Onol, Maja Ciric
This panel aims to create a discussion about the globally evolving and newly developing education system of the curatorial studies from the viewpoints of the participants. It suggests to open up a space for the new generation of curators to examine the challenges of the newly built and experimental curatorial study programs.
Isin Onol is an independent curator and art critic. She worked as the Manager and Curator of Proje4L/Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul from 2006 to 2009. She curated/co-curated the following shows: Seriously Ironic: Positions in Turkish Contemporary Art Scene (2009), co-curated with Dolores Denaro, Centre Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland; Getting Even (2009), Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey; Privacy (2008), co-curated with Elena Forin, La Giarina Arte Contemporanea, Verona, Italy; Accumulated: Put Aside, Left Aside (2008), co-curated with Asli Cetinkaya, 5533, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her MFA in 2003 at Sabanci University, Istanbul.