Søren Grammel
A Series of Acts and Spaces
Curatorial form is nothing total. It is not committed to the identity of thought and object, but rather operates with the awareness that truth is something artificial and temporary. Exhibitions are imaginary sites, short-time gatherings of disparate actors and ideas. They are forms that emphasize the synthetic nature of all concepts. Curatorial practice ideally creates unstable constellations contradicting the notion of knowledge as something accomplished. By inventing new movements (acts) and operations (spaces), curatorial projects can involve with, displace, outmaneuver, and sometimes change the institutional dispositivs within which they maneuver.
As a curator Søren Grammel has been responsible for numerous exhibitions in contemporary art spaces, which he prepared alone or with others. Since 2005, he has held the post of Artistic Director of the Grazer Kunstverein; the exhibitions there include Eine Person allein in einem Raum mit Coca-Cola-farbenen Wänden, Idealismusstudio, Provisorisches Yoga, Es ist schwer, das Reale zu berühren, or Traurig sicher, im Training. The show Die Blaue Blume was listed among the best themed shows of 2007 by the magazine frieze. Since 2009 he also works as a Curator-in-Residence at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. In 2005, he published the theoretical book Ausstellungsautorschaft. Die Konstruktion der auktorialen Position des Ausstellungsmachers…, Frankfurt am Main.
A Series of Acts and Spaces
Curatorial form is nothing total. It is not committed to the identity of thought and object, but rather operates with the awareness that truth is something artificial and temporary. Exhibitions are imaginary sites, short-time gatherings of disparate actors and ideas. They are forms that emphasize the synthetic nature of all concepts. Curatorial practice ideally creates unstable constellations contradicting the notion of knowledge as something accomplished. By inventing new movements (acts) and operations (spaces), curatorial projects can involve with, displace, outmaneuver, and sometimes change the institutional dispositivs within which they maneuver.
As a curator Søren Grammel has been responsible for numerous exhibitions in contemporary art spaces, which he prepared alone or with others. Since 2005, he has held the post of Artistic Director of the Grazer Kunstverein; the exhibitions there include Eine Person allein in einem Raum mit Coca-Cola-farbenen Wänden, Idealismusstudio, Provisorisches Yoga, Es ist schwer, das Reale zu berühren, or Traurig sicher, im Training. The show Die Blaue Blume was listed among the best themed shows of 2007 by the magazine frieze. Since 2009 he also works as a Curator-in-Residence at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. In 2005, he published the theoretical book Ausstellungsautorschaft. Die Konstruktion der auktorialen Position des Ausstellungsmachers…, Frankfurt am Main.