Kunsthalle Fridericianum: Home
Kunsthalle Fridericianum
Kunsthalle Fridericianum
Friedrichsplatz 18
D-34117 Kassel
Tel. +49 561 707 27 20
Fax +49 561 707 27 75

Responsible for the Kunsthalle Fridericianum is the
documenta und Museum Fridericianum
Friedrichsplatz 18
D-34117 Kassel
Tel. +49 561 707 27 0
Fax +49 561 707 27 39

The documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH is a non-profit organization owned and financed by the City of Kassel and the State of Hessen and supported by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

the City of Kassel and the State of Hessen

Chief Executive Officer
Bernd Leifeld

Supervisory board
5 representatives of the City of Kassel, 5 representatives of the State of Hessen, 2 representatives of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Chairman of the Board
Bertram Hilgen, Lord Mayor of the City of Kassel

Register court
Register court Kassel registrationnumber HRB 2154
Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a value added tax law: DE 113060585

Responsible according to § 10 clause 3 MDStV
Bernd Leifeld

Andrea Linnenkohl
Friederike Siebert

Web Department

Müller & Wesse, Berlin


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