“I follow a previously written script to the letter. Gestures and movements have been selected so that passers-by will not suspect that they are watching a >performance<.”
Jíri Kovanda, November 18, 1976, Václavské nàméstí, Prague

There is a common denominator between the nature of a guided tour, the performance, and the addressing of the audience. Bodies move in space, setting themselves in relation to one another and to objects. Norms can be questioned just as well by searching for invisibility as by breaking codes.

The Kunsthalle Fridericianum offers people the possibility to investigate the discursive conditions of the exhibition space outside the framework of guided tours. Scholarly curiosity about art and its laws, playful lightness, and political acerbity meet in a grey area. Starting from the performative installations exhibited, educational formats ‘happen’ in the exhibition space that are not recognised as such. There is only a trace of education, which subverts all concepts of authenticity and takes up and performatively develops artistic formulations.

Performative Interventionen (Performative interventions)

A group of performers and students under the direction of Sandra Ortmann intend to object to, comment on, and interrupt exhibitions at the Kunsthalle Fridericianum by means of performative art-mediation formats. We present the results of the activities engaging with the current exhibitions under the title InsideOut Performative Interventionen  towards the end of the respective exhibition.

The performative interventions in the exhibitions Frühling (Spring) by Pawel Althamer with children from Kassel and Fomuška by Micol Assaël were presented on 3 July 2009 and during the symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN on 20 July 2009. A performance on 18 October 2009 was dedicated to the exhibition Les sanglots longs by Latifa Echakhch. On 10 February 2010, Isabell Ertl, Laura Heda, Alexander Henschel, Greta Hoheisel, Juliane Link, Julian Meding, Sandra Ortmann und Maralena Schmidt performed at and commented on the exhibitions of Carlos Amorales and Navid Nuur.

During the night of 29 October 2010, performative interventions took place in the exhibitions BOTH ENDS of Monica Bonvicini and THAT DEATH OF WHICH ONE DOES NOT DIE of Matias Faldbakken. On this night, admission to the Kunsthalle was free and the artist group a7.außeneinsatz from Hildesheim provided drinks and electronic music as well as new perspectives on art. The performers (Judith Boegner, Greta Hoheisel, Juliane Link, Julian Meding, Sandra Ortmann, Maralena Schmidt, Varinka Schreurs, Margret Schütz and Sophia Trollmann) put on performances in the exhibition space including visitor surveys, statues, interactive formats and lecture performances. Theoretical questions about art were combined with artistic practice. What potential does a work glove have? Can the relationship between art, gender and architecture be resolved? Are the performers women or men? What fetishes can be found at a building site?



The second issue of Art Education Research, eJournal of the Institute for Art Education at Zurich’s Hochschule der Künste, documents the performances during the exhibitions of Pawel Althamer and Micol Assaël. 

During the exhibition BOTH ENDS of Monica Bonvini the department of art education developed performances to mediate the artworks:

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For further information or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

"Performative Interventionen"
Kunsthalle Fridericianum
3. Juni 2009
Photo: Lennart Rieder

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